

avatar for AdminAdmin

Founder - design, coding and interviews.

avatar for Becky M.Becky M.

Columns, reviews, interviews.

avatar for benben

Reviews, columns.

avatar for DeadpoolDeadpool


avatar for DennisDennis


avatar for Entyst MinutEntyst Minut


avatar for JakovJakov
avatar for Jouke RispensJouke Rispens


avatar for Just Killing TimeJust Killing Time

Reviews, interviews.

avatar for L'eau Oui QueL'eau Oui Que


avatar for Mark McConvilleMark McConville


avatar for MauriceMaurice

Reviews and interviews.

avatar for NielsNiels

Reviews, interviews.

avatar for PimPim

Founder - Design, coding, interviews etc.

avatar for plaguesplaguesplaguesplagues

Visualizations & research

avatar for TimcoreTimcore

Reviews, interviews.

avatar for XemonerdXXemonerdX

Columns and reviews.

avatar for xroldxxroldx

News, interviews, reviews and articles.

We’re always looking for people to extend the team, so please get in touch if you’re interested! We’re NOT looking for people that pretty much want to copy bio’s and pass them off as reviews though.


Some Will Never Know is the name of the paper zine Pim put out in 2008. Yes, the name comes from the Only Living Witness song. Heavily inspired by Anti-Matter he tried to do something different from the zines that were around at the time. No 10 questions interviews with a band about their last record, but more in-depth conversations with the people behind the band, label, zine or whatever. Nothing ground-breaking but a different approach nonetheless.

The first issue was 88 pages and the second issue totaled 100 pages, but also was the final one published. On paper that is. That’s the reason you’re looking at this site right now. We’ll continue this thing on the web. No more waiting. When an interview is done we can publish it right away. It’s more open, people can react right away and add value to the interviews etc with their opinions. Besides that it’s now freely available to anyone, anywhere. And Pim’m not doing it alone anymore as you can see, we’ve got a nice cast of international people doing this together now. Still it’s nowhere as cool as a paper zine, but it has to do for now. Maybe one day…


  • Concept & realisation: 03 Webdesign. If you need a website, webapp or anything. Get in touch.
  • Photo’s in the background by Paco Weekenstroo and if you ever need any photo’s he’s the one you’ll want.
  • If we used your photo in any article and didn’t put your credits with it, please get in touch with us so we can correct it!